In the '70s we began to read "Made in Taiwan" on plastic objects that somehow entered our homes and in the following years the export of the island increased to the European countries and the rest of the world.
Taiwan bases its economy on exports, which has always been a force for its economic growth. Then, in the last few years, exports collapsed due to a series of factors such as: global recession, concentration of Taiwanese exported goods in certain areas and the too slow process of regional economic integration.

But Taiwan, through its consumers, also appreciates the Italian brands and Italian quality products.
It so happens that a group of European car enthusiasts, in this specific case, a particular passion for the Renault Express of 1985 (!), In a way that perhaps we may appear eccentric, found a club, find themselves camping and sharing over the passion for French cars, the one for Italian quality items, such as the Castelmerlino products, thus creating their style in use and in the setting.
The eternal tables with the famous red legs widespread in Italy and abroad since the early '80s, the indestructible solid but light Larch floor, well represent the passion for the renewed contact with nature and outdoor life Made in Italy.

The objects of complement, distributed around and above the tables, are chosen with the utmost care to interpret an elegant style of tradition.
Even the haircut, among the club members, is chosen with the utmost care. The overall style takes shape and is expressed in a harmony of the '80s, including Renault Express, Castelmerlino tables, camping lamps, thermos and even rotating discs ashtrays. There are also wooden boxes marked with 7Up, lanterns and radio in retro style.

Each object, not only represents an icon of style but in any case has a content of functionality and efficiency, according to a mentality of consumption also attentive to the substance.
We still do not know what music they are listening to but we could imagine hearing in the background, Diana Ross, the Village People or the Supertramp.
The 80s still live in Taiwan!